3 A.M and Natasha was still at it.

Click, scroll, drag, delete, click- she had her jury and submission at 8 A.M and was far from finished. Her sheets were incomplete and she hadn’t even had her dinner yet.

When asked to rest, she angrily turned down the notion, but soon landed up in tears after frustration and anxiety got the better of her, when she took a glance at the time.glass-24190_640

We’re all procrastinators somewhere, knowing that we could postpone an assignment until tomorrow, is a major game changer in everyone’s life.

Had we been in strict timeline observance mode, maybe we’d have better grades at school, we’d all have qualities of potential leaders, we’d probably be able to have a significant part of the population educated, or have prevented scams, corruption, illegal hoarding, poverty, basically, Indians would’ve been way better off than what we are now.

However, no one can live by simplicity, we all anticipate dynamism and action in whatever form. Adrenaline rush becomes the calm we long for, the fuel to the fire, the story to our life.

That night, Natasha didn’t sleep; she finished her assignment, put her things together, had a good breakfast and gave a great submission.

Deadlines are tests, we all love challenges and here’s one with a social angle. PowerHouse is one day away from closing applications to the Expression of Interest. Developing sustainable homes and empowering rural communities at the forefront, individuals and consortiums are invited to submit their entries and participate before the deadline of 31st October, 2015.

Visit www.power-house.in.

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